Pros of A Career in Real Estate

Pros of A Career in Real Estate

A lot of people choose the Real Estate path, specifically brokerage. Below are a handful of reasons I choose this career and potentially why it may interest you:

1 - H E L P I N G P E O P L E

Fire up the fondue because here’s a little cheese. This is truly the part that my most altruistic, hippie side of me has enjoyed. Whether it’s helping someone buy their first place (usually their first big purchase and forced savings/tax shelter) or getting to work w/ investors on a 1031 exchange, the most rewarding part is teaching/sharing some industry insight that helps set themselves up for a solid buy/sell. I’ve been lucky to sell a bunch of places and getting a genuine THANK YOU from a client is as rewarding on a $200k buy as the $2 million sale.

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How to Figure Out Your Homes Value

How to Figure Out Your Homes Value

So if you can’t tell, I am not a fan of digital home eval tools. That’s right, take a hike algorithm!

As cool as it feels giving the proverbial middle finger to the worlds most popular RE search site, there is a true reason for a bit of my shade. Beyond making my job marginally more difficult, they also give people a number a majority of homeowners take to heart on their largest asset based off a calculation most 5th grade math students could accomplish (Avg $/sq ft for your zip code multiplied by your square footage).

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Open Houses: An Agents Take

Open Houses: An Agents Take

Boy have i railed against open houses for a while. You know what the funny thing is? I still occasionally do them.

What I said to the camera is 100% what I think and feel, but remember that old adage the customer is always right?… They aren’t but their perception is.

Let me explain…

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The Home Inspection: 7 Common Questions

The Home Inspection: 7 Common Questions

Oh the home inspection. You just were so excited because you found the perfect place, you made an offer, negotiated just like they do on the TV shows (HA) and ratified on the house (aka everyone agreed to price/terms). Now your friendly agent strikes fear in your heart immediately by reminding you its time to schedule the daunting home inspection…

Oh the horror….

Just like when having any doctors visit, we might…

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Charleston Home Round Table

My longest form piece of content I’ve ever done (apologies in advance). Gathered up 3 people I love to take a leap of faith and discuss all things Charleston, Development, Design, Local Business. Needless to say our conversation ran the gambit, but trust these people’s insight, opinion and expertise in Architecture, Building and Design. Having them provide commentary on this discussion was an invaluable insight for any type of person that’s enthralled with Charleston. Whether you’ve lived here, moved here or vacation here, I hope there’s a nugget of value in here for you.

(don’t worry topics are bullet pointed to the second below so you can skip around)

We can all agree that Charleston has been subject to a lot of change in recent years and this video discussion was geared around talks I find many of us are having privately. The post (linked above) has been bookmarked by topic so you can skip ahead to any you find most intriguing to you. Topics included:

Minute Markers

  • 1:28 - Design, Trends and Pros Insight

  • 16:34 - The Affordability Problem and How to Fix it

  • 23:29 - Small Business Question: Is Segmenting the Holy Grail?

  • 28:01 - Who is Moving to Charleston & Why?

  • 31:15 - ‘Charleston’s Development Problems are as Old as It’s History’

  • 36:10 - Container Building

Joining me and providing their thought leadership were Interior Designer - Jesse Vickers (Owner of JLV Creative), Builder - Rick Rockwell (Owner of Rockwell Construction) and Architect - Nicholas Rehberg (Owner of ADO) for participating. If ever you're in need of their services you'll get a resounding thumbs up (and not just because they jumped in front of camera, but they're each incredibly passionate and qualified). Each, as local business owners within the home space, brought incredible insight to this macro discussion.

My hope is that regardless of your station in life, your relationship to Charleston or what you do, that there is some tid bit of insight within this that resonates with you or helps answer a question you have.

2018 Thank You

My very small thank you for all you fine people who make doing what I do possible.

I have no lengthy, pontificating, version of this post other than to say: Thank you.

From me, to You and Yours a very Happy and Safe Holiday.
