Pros of A Career in Real Estate

Pros of A Career in Real Estate

A lot of people choose the Real Estate path, specifically brokerage. Below are a handful of reasons I choose this career and potentially why it may interest you:

1 - H E L P I N G P E O P L E

Fire up the fondue because here’s a little cheese. This is truly the part that my most altruistic, hippie side of me has enjoyed. Whether it’s helping someone buy their first place (usually their first big purchase and forced savings/tax shelter) or getting to work w/ investors on a 1031 exchange, the most rewarding part is teaching/sharing some industry insight that helps set themselves up for a solid buy/sell. I’ve been lucky to sell a bunch of places and getting a genuine THANK YOU from a client is as rewarding on a $200k buy as the $2 million sale.

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Charleston Market: Looking Ahead As We Open From COVID-19

Charleston Market: Looking Ahead As We Open From COVID-19

During crisis we all want to know what the future holds. Some for security, some for peace of mind and others for opportunity. Regardless of why you’re seeking answers I often find it useful to gather as much information as possible from trusted news sources, opinions from some of you and telling data sets before drawing any conclusions. Perhaps it’s the little bit of retention I have left from Econ classes long since forgotten over a decade ago, but this data gathering has always served well.

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