5 Things First-Time Home Buyers Need to Know About Mortgages

5 Things First-Time Home Buyers Need to Know About Mortgages

Purchasing a home is one of the most significant investments you will make in your lifetime, and getting a mortgage is the most common way people finance their homes. However, for first-time home buyers, the mortgage process can be overwhelming. From understanding the terms to navigating the various options available…

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2023: 5 Expert Predictions for the Housing Market

2023: 5 Expert Predictions for the Housing Market

The last three years have been a whirlwind with the housing market going from scorching hot to icy cold quicker than Harry and Megan could cash in on a deal w/ Netflix! So what does the housing market have in store for the year to come?!?

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2022: Real Estate By the Numbers

2022: Real Estate By the Numbers

What a year. By all accounts one of the most interesting on record in terms of the overall housing market.

While much has been made in the news, here’s what the numbers have told us…

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How We Sell Charleston Homes Faster, For More

How We Sell Charleston Homes Faster, For More

This takes us back to 2018 to a property in Sullivans Island South Carolina we sold after it had been listed with 3 different agencies over the course of 2 years and could not achieve the desired price or make it to the closing table. I love this video because so much of what we did with this home set the foundation for other listings moving forward. We story told through video, design and a marketing package 99% simply can not produce. Even after several years in the rear view, so much of what I was preaching in 2018 has only been refined and what we deliver on today!

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5 Must-Do Tax Deductions When Selling a Home

5 Must-Do Tax Deductions When Selling a Home

In 2022 I’m willing to bet most of you spend an absurd amount of time asking yourself ‘are tax deductions when selling a home?’

Of course you don’t. After the past 2 years, you’re just trying to figure out which way is up, how to not get canceled or hoping the kids don’t call you a Boomer for not having a Tik Tok account. Frankly most of us don’t think of this until the time comes or the tax man comes calling. Fortunately for you, and if you’re reading this, there are a few things you can (and should do) to keep your hard earned equity in your pocket after the yard sign says ‘SOLD’.

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Happy Hour Musts 2019: Charleston

Happy Hour Musts 2019: Charleston

Charleston and booze goes together like…

PB&J, Office reruns at the end of a long day, Pancakes for a hangover, Flava-flav and giant clocks, your Mom needing tech support to log into facebook,….

…needless to say this town has no shortage of spots to gather, imbibe and socialize over discounted bites.

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Charleston Home Round Table

My longest form piece of content I’ve ever done (apologies in advance). Gathered up 3 people I love to take a leap of faith and discuss all things Charleston, Development, Design, Local Business. Needless to say our conversation ran the gambit, but trust these people’s insight, opinion and expertise in Architecture, Building and Design. Having them provide commentary on this discussion was an invaluable insight for any type of person that’s enthralled with Charleston. Whether you’ve lived here, moved here or vacation here, I hope there’s a nugget of value in here for you.

(don’t worry topics are bullet pointed to the second below so you can skip around)

We can all agree that Charleston has been subject to a lot of change in recent years and this video discussion was geared around talks I find many of us are having privately. The post (linked above) has been bookmarked by topic so you can skip ahead to any you find most intriguing to you. Topics included:

Minute Markers

  • 1:28 - Design, Trends and Pros Insight

  • 16:34 - The Affordability Problem and How to Fix it

  • 23:29 - Small Business Question: Is Segmenting the Holy Grail?

  • 28:01 - Who is Moving to Charleston & Why?

  • 31:15 - ‘Charleston’s Development Problems are as Old as It’s History’

  • 36:10 - Container Building

Joining me and providing their thought leadership were Interior Designer - Jesse Vickers (Owner of JLV Creative), Builder - Rick Rockwell (Owner of Rockwell Construction) and Architect - Nicholas Rehberg (Owner of ADO) for participating. If ever you're in need of their services you'll get a resounding thumbs up (and not just because they jumped in front of camera, but they're each incredibly passionate and qualified). Each, as local business owners within the home space, brought incredible insight to this macro discussion.

My hope is that regardless of your station in life, your relationship to Charleston or what you do, that there is some tid bit of insight within this that resonates with you or helps answer a question you have.