Dilly Dilly, Did you move from Philly?!

Alright my 215, 610, 484, 412, 717, 267, 415 people. if you’ve found this page, it’s likely you’ve made your way to the lowcountry (hopefully not by horse and buggy), but still feel the need to rock a green jersey on Sundays and, as good as biscuits taste, still don’t hold a candle to the hoagie shop you grew up near… or Wawa.

As former PA ex-pat that’s been in Charleston for over a decade, here’s a few of the places I’ve discovered around town that will take you back…

Hoagie Spots

What else says home like a bite into a good hoagie? A few spots that deliver on taste and authenticity (or both)…

Pizza Joints

A lot of places, but few great ones. A handful of recent imports and brick oven style spots have improved this of late…

If there’s one sports nation that’s die-hard no matter where they travel/live, it’s Philly. Here’s where to watch

Connect to Others

There’s more than a few of us. Don’t just take my word for it. Join our new and growing FB group and make some plans!!

My Favorite Hoagie Spot

My Favorite Place for the Game

My Favorite Pizza Spot



Fly Eagles Fly

lINCOLN fINANCIAL fIELD (Circa 2011) - pops & i

lINCOLN fINANCIAL fIELD (Circa 2009) - pops & i

To my Ex-Pats…

If you can’t tell I’m as diehard a Philly Fan as they come. As a native to PA that made his way to Charleston and gets to sell that same experience for a living, I’m always thrilled to work with fellow PA Ex-pats.

So, in case you’ve found your way here for more than just places you can find carbs that taste like home and/or where to meet others who also mispronounce H20 (WOODER!), I’d be honored to help you find a place to plant an Eagles flag around the low-country!

Shoot me a message…

‘Fly Eagles Fly’