21 Things Heading Into 2021
/Ah the sage wisdom of a 34 year old. Exactly what you need heading into the year.
Sure, I’m no Dali Lama. However, I do find myself sitting and thinking/reflecting often. I may not be doing my reflection in a far away temple on a Tibetan mountain top (instead while taking a break between podcasts in a 4runner while zig zagging through the occasionally flooded streets of a hodge podge of towns around the greater Charleston area), I do find it a therapeutic exercise. Perhaps I do this in hopes some of this reflection leads me to being a better human, son, brother, uncle, friend, boyfriend, agent, business person and/or dad to a giant puppy. Maybe it does nothing at all then become the ‘delete spam’ filter for my brain, but I like to think it does something positive for me and perhaps these reflections may help you too.
So, that brings us to this past year. Much has been said about 2020. Whatever 2020 was for you, my hope is you (and we all) are better for it. Personally, despite all the noise, anxiety, personal struggles, red-ticker alerts and the like, it was surprisingly much the same.
There were certainly tense and difficult moments, but on the whole I found most days I tried to balance a few meals, walks, exercise, reading, friend/family calls in between the usual chaos of work. For the year, I like to think I can spend some time with my family, maybe take a vacation somewhere I haven’t been, learn something/s new, meet a few new people and have a few activities with the people I genuinely enjoy. Somehow, despite it all, I did much of that.
(*I realize I was extremely fortunate to know only a handful of people who actually had COVID-19. While experiencing a few personal losses, we were lucky as a family to not have lost anyone to the virus, but to the things that often happen in life)
Even if some of these hangs/holidays/work days were through masks, I didn’t get to see everyone I wanted to see, didn’t take the trip I had hoped or had to cancel a few things here and there, I personally think (whether it was 2020 or any other year)… such is life. I think it was putting the year in this perspective that makes me realize so much of what I personally need pretty much stays the same and they’re helpful lessons (even post pandemic, vaccine, getting over 2020, etc…) that I’m going to take forward. Maybe some of these apply to you as well.
Without further ado, here are the handful of things I’m taking from this year and moving forward with:
The 21 Things/Lessons/Reflections
1- The older I get, the longer the days, but the weeks fly
2- Empathy is probably the only way we fix a lot of what we perceive as broken
3- Cancel ‘cancel-culture’
4- We still can’t predict the future. And that’s OK
5- Humans are still doing much of the same things humans have always done
6- Change is the only thing You Can Count on
7- Don’t try to make the Place You Moved To, The Place You Left
8- Family/Friends are Still the essential Building Blocks to the rest
9- A walk Cures Most. I walked a lot more this year
10- Never Get too High, Never Get too Low. Dad’s mantra
11- It’s next to impossible to get what you want w/o taking a risk here and there
12- You can’t print more, buy more or invent more time. So figuring out how to invest it efficiently and wisely is a useful exercise
13- Sitting in a room and thinking critically is something we should all do more
14- Moderation. In Everything… Grandpa’s Mantra
15- Reality TV is the cavity of my generation
16- Diversify. Your Knowledge, Your Thoughts and Your Money
17- People say never burn bridges, but if life is a tree, pruning (as needed) is essential
18- Homes. How we use them, where we want them may change, but we still need them
19- Anger tends to be Fear’s favorite Mask
20- Everything is Temporary
21- Nostalgia has been my most Welcome Drug of Choice
There you have it. Where ever and however you spent your holiday and your year, I sincerely hope this finds you well. Cheers to a productive, happy and healthy year ahead.