If you are new to the Charleston area and its surrounding cities and seek to buy a new home, or you live here and want to sell, my dedicated team guides you, protects your best interests, and ensures you an enjoyable process. After all, Real Estate should and can be both exciting and fun. As your agent to Charleston, it’s my goal to make sure your experience is just that.
I spend a lot of time everyday working on and in my business. However, the life blood of my business are the relationships made along the way. Even if you don't intend on buying or selling anytime soon, but just have questions, there really is such a thing as a free cup of coffee...
Gentry Todd
+1 (843) 730 4454
843.730.4454 | gentry@843living.com
Gentry Todd Radwanski & The Gentry Todd Group are Agents of Compass